Sunday, October 5, 2008

Punked by a Squirrel

Yo fam!!

I got up early this morning to walk over to Fairway (near the Hudson River) and decided to cut through Manhattanville Projects. The ground was still damp from the early morning rain and the smell of the earth, grass and flowers after the rain was heavenly to me. As I neared the exit of the grounds of Manhattanville, I spied a squirrel heading my I have seen many a squirrel in New York City (I think they're cute in cartoons & pictures but in real life they are literally rats with fluffy tails to me) and this one was no different (or so I thought) until he got maybe 4-5 feet from me and decided to stop.....

He stopped in his tracks,

I stopped in mine.

And then he sat up on his hind legs and I bent down a little and...

We proceeded to stare each other down....

Now this was funny to me until this damn squirrel started walking towards me, little paws flexing with absolutely NO FEAR AT ALL!!!!

None. Zip. Zero. Zilch!

And that's when I started to back up (with all sorts of rabid squirrel craziness running through my head) a few steps and prepare to run (I swear) back the way I came.

I looked up and saw a man coming out of the adjacent apartment building and I screamed "DO YOU SEE THIS FRIGGIN' SQUIRREL????"

And he looked and just burst out laughing. It was then that the squirrel decided to run off to the right and disappear.

As I walked past the man I said "I have never in my life had a squirrel back me up like that."

I made a mental note to head back home a different way.

Lol...Only in New York ya'll!

"Nothing is to be feared but fear."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gurl....A Squirrel!!!! LOL LOL LOL!!