Sigh....I watched this show last week in support of my peeps at Black 2 Broadway (they were featured)...7 minutes into the broadcast - I wanted to turn it off. 3 minutes after that I turned the channel. I absolutely hated it.
"Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words." - Calvin & Hobbes
Must have been pretty bad. You didn't even give it a little signature quote. :-)
Ms. Sharon,
I thought I was the only one - this show is a mess and as a young black professional that's supposed to be their "counterpart" I can't relate at all. BET's attempt at their own version of "The Hills" didn't pan out this time.
I hope all is well with you!
Quote you added is funny!
I agree Ms. LMC. I think the problem is that BET keeps trying to make their own versions of MTV shows. I know that MTV owns them now, but they need to think outside the box.
Also did you guys hear that Figure Magazine is ceasing publication as of the March/April issue. Read here: http://www.figuremagazine.com/CommunityArticles/Letter-to-Readers.aspx?Article=a34efde2-94ad-4a5e-ba6b-4ac3b92b601e.
I so miss MODE magazine.
Thanks for the figure tip Pamweezie!
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