And was pleasantly surprised to find that they didn't make that same mistake this time around.
Although I think that ALL of the designs offered should go up to a 3XL (House of Dereon - take note!) The sizes for the shirts listed here range from XL (whatever the HELL THAT is in their to a 2XL..and I coulda sworn I saw a 3XL in some of those designs...and the T-SHIRTS range from $40 to $150 dollars. (Yeah...I said it..."One Fiddy")
Take a look fam:

All of the items above are available in YOUR SIZE for purchase at:
Quite frankly, I threw in the Diane Von Furstenburg tote because I thought it was functional and cute. And although it only goes up to an XL, I am absolutely LOVING the Wrap Shirt (So SEXY!!!) by Charles Nolan (don't know him though) and I like the Sparkly Tee but I will be honest here....
I know these are "collectible designer driven" items but given the current economic climate...isn't $70 bucks a wee bit much to be asking for er...T-Shirts?? The Sparkly Tee by Gerald Matthews is actually (GASP!) $150 bucks! I will acquiesce to the wrap shirt though, Mostly because I've never met a wrap shirt that I didn't like (lol)....and if my dough was flowing freely and readily, I might actually be willing to part with the $70 bucks (cuz, I KNOW I'd be wearing the hell out of it!) but the rest are them are just T-SHIRTS people!!!! Can't give up $70 bucks for a friggin you already know that $150 bucks is out of the question.
But that's just me.
"My generation of the Sixties, with all our great ideals, destroyed liberalism, because of our excesses." - Camille Paglia
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