Monday, March 3, 2008

Manhattanville Station Post Office - Simply Ridiculous

This morning I got up early and got dressed so that I could hit the post office by 8am to get a money order for my monster. We got out the door early, so I was able to stop and get a cup of coffee from the local bodega to sip while I waited on line. The Manhattanville Station post office is located on 125th St between Morningside & St Nicholas Avenues.

The post office doesn't begin retail services until 8am, but opens before then for clients who have P.O. Boxes. I arrived at 7:50am and there was already a line of about 6-7 people waiting before me. I looked over to my left and saw that there was nice line forming at the Senior Citizens window as well.

By 7:59am there was a nice line of oh about 17 people (including the ones in front of me) and at 8:05 one agent finally came on duty to handle the retail services. I just KNEW that since it first thing in the morning, surely there would be a ton of agents on duty to get everyone in an out in an expedient manner. Lol...I must have briefly forgotten where I was - because the NEXT agent came out at approximately 8:10am and while it was amusing watching her talk and get dressed at her damn window.....she didn't open up her window for service until 8:19...I know this because I (along with everyone else on that line) was watching the clock and writing it down.

By this time, people were getting agitated and several near fights ensued (with one guy in a WHEELCHAIR trying to flex on an old lady who complained about him jumping the line-which he did). After Superman in the wheelchair (Dude??? You're in a WHEELCHAIR for goodness sake...WHAT did you actually THINK you were gonna do to that old lady????) rolled himself out of the post office a fight began to break out on the automated postage line - and over at the Inquiry window (which if you've EVER had to wait on THAT line for a package-you know the wait time is simply put - RIDICULOUS)...folks began SCREAMING for a supervisor to come out to restore order (who ever THAT person is - We NEVER saw him or her).

The agent for the senior citizen line NEVER came out in the 40 minutes I spent waiting on that damn line. Those poor seniors had to get on the back of the line and wait like everyone else this go a sympathetic ear in the bunch. Every ONE was tired and cranky!

Time on my watch when I left the post office finally? 8:30am....and there had to be at LEAST 20 people behind me at this point with the same TWO agents trying to help everyone.

Why does it seem like this scenario ONLY happens in urban areas?? I guarantee you that if I go to a post office BELOW 96th street the service is 10 times better.....

No matter, the new settlers are taking Harlem by storm and you know that they won't tolerate bad or slow services and they will complain until they reach the person in charge and changes are made.

Get it together Manhattanville Station employees or you will ALL be looking for new jobs (whether YOU do YOUR job well or not) Cuz that's how the new settlers get down...mark my words on this one people.

"If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, like Shakespeare wrote poetry, like Beethoven composed music; sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will have to pause and say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper, who swept his job well.’”

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