Now I haven't talked to Linda in a minute and I knew something was up when I saw her name pop up on my screen. Lol...after exchanging a few pleasantries, she got right to the heart of her call. Apparently, her group (the nurses unit) was having a fashion show and she wanted me to attend as a "special invited guest". After letting her gas me up a bit about being a "celebrity" at Shiloh (lol) and giving her a few of my "base rules" (don't ask me to sing and don't ask me to talk and PLEASE don't ask me to walk) I agreed to attend.
I knew I had to attend an event at Saks immediately following the fashion show, so I packed a bag with two outfits (I had to wear a Douglas Says dress for the event at Saks) and I decided to wear a red dress by NJ designer Veronica Lipscomb and some red patent leather knee high boots (yeah...I know...that sounds a little risque for church...but you also know I gotta be ME!). I tried to keep the cleavage to a minimum and called a taxi for the short ride to the church.
The show was scheduled to begin at 3pm but I know my people well, so I wasn't worried about the time and I decided to drop off my bags at my surrogate dad's place, where I was gonna change into my second outfit.
As the cab waited at 5th avenue for the light the back of a church van caught my eye and I couldn't resist taking a photo of the message painted on the back:
"Directions to Heaven: Turn Right and Keep Straight".
Definitely words to live by! I quickly
As I sat and looked around the sanctuary, memories of me singing as a teenager on the Youth For Christ Choir and as I got older I graduated to singing with the Voices of Shiloh filled my head....I remembered distinctly one choir anniversary in particular where we (me, Linda, Muzette Charles & quite a few others) had these sea foam green dresses made from a Simplicity pattern for all the girls in the choir and we performed "The Beatitudes" and "Have A Good Time" from the Broadway musical "Your Arms Too Short To Box With God". We had the church lights turned off and hung these pen lights around our necks
I chatted for a moment with Leonard Gillams, who shared some deeply inspirational words with me (they meant more to me than he could ever know). A few other folks came by to say hello and a little while later the show began.
The show was called "A Fashion Extravaganza" and the program was put together by Lujuan Williams, President of the Nurses Unit. After a brief invocation by Deacon Julius
The fashion show was divided into 4 scenes and it moved quickly. The audience was small in number but real big on enthusiasm! The models consisted of a wide range of ages & sizes. I will be honest here....I was a little surprised that I was having such a good time.
The benediction was delivered by Pastor Sheila Gillams and mercifully, she just announced my name and allowed me to
I saw a lot of potential in what they were trying to do and offered my services to them if ever they decided to try and put together a fund raiser in the future.
It felt good to be home....if only for a little while.
Excellent job on the program Lujuan, thanks for the invite Linda, I had a great time!
“The church is the great lost and found department.”
1 comment:
Sharon I am loving your blog! Rock on.
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