Monday, April 28, 2008

My Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Experience

Last week I was perusing through the ads on Craig's List, like I normally do and I came across an ad about auditions to be a contestant on the game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire", as you know from my "Cash Cab" experience, I LOVE game shows....particularly ones that are trivia based!

So I figured, what the heck? It won't cost me anything to go down and apply right? So that's what I did....I submitted and I received and email the next day telling me to come down to ABC on Monday at 7pm.

Well...if you live in NYC then you already know that the weather on Monday was absolutely heinous...a lot of rain and wind and just generally icky. Most of my peeps already know that I don't "do" rain....I can't think of anything that will keep me in the house longer than rain. So when I saw that rain coming down on Monday afternoon....I almost didn't go. But again...I figured...what the heck?

I got down to 66th st at around 7pm and I walked past several folks who were grumbling about a"long line" I almost turned around because I don't really "do" lines either....ESPECIALLY in the RAIN!!!! Well when I got to the line....I saw it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and I decided to stick it out. As luck would have it I wound up standing with some particularly chatty participants, who told me that they watch the show every day and they even tape it when they are not home.....They had even already preselected "their life lines" WTF????lol...I KNEW I was out of my league immediately because I barely watch the show these days and I most certainly ain't recording a GAME SHOW????'s just not that serious for me.

For real.

Anyway, after about a 15-20 minute wait to get inside, we walked through this huge stainless steel door into what could have only been the employee cafeteria at ABC....after the usual bag search, we were seated at tables and given sealed envelopes, with numbers, questions and the testing sheet.

The 10 minute test was multiple choice and it had questions on a broad range of subjects....some I knew....and others I didn't have a clue about. I managed to get seated at a table with another "Chatty Kathy" who told me that he had tried out years ago for Jeopardy....(lol...folks take their game shows seriously ya'll) and thought he had aced this particular quiz.

To make a long story short, the test was quick and painless, they gave us the results immediately (only one person at our table made it to the next round WASN'T me!) and those of us doofuses (cuz that's what I felt who weren't selected got these lovely little refrigerator magnets and pencils as parting gifts.

It was an interesting experience for me but alas...not interesting enough for me to go back and try again.....i'mma see how I can get on Wheel of Fortune......I LOVE that show and you just gotta know how to SPELL......Lol..I can do THAT.....

Just in case you guys are interested in's the link....good luck!

“I was on a game show. When I lost, they gave me a lovely parting gift. It was a comb.”

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