Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rock The Cradle...Uh...WTF????

So last night I was over at a friend's house watching "Rock The Cradle" the new er..."singing" competition that showcases the offspring of famous singers. The premise is simple: Is musical talent genetic?

My friends had already seen this show and they didn't bother preparing me for what I was about to see. Most of the acts were surprisingly bad...and Chloe Lattanzi???
What in the heck is going on with that child's face??? She's starting to look like Eric Stoltz in Mask...not cool at all. I think she looks great in the photo above but I ain't really feeling this whole dark "Goth" girl image she's trying to project now....Wait!!! now she's starting to look like Marilyn Manson to me.....

But I think the thing that shocked me the most was this performance by "Lil B Sure", Al B. Sure's son:

Lil B Sure "Rock the Cradle"
Uploaded by TheDlisted

While being interviewed in the clip before the song Papa Al told the WHOLE WORLD............


Uh Al?


This kid can't sing at all!!!! And he's got the nerve to be cocky too!!! But funnier than that was the pained expression on his face when asked what he thought of his son's performance...ROFLMAO...You KNOW it's bad if your dad begins his statement with "Son, you know I love you...."

If he doesn't get eliminated next week, something is VERY wrong.

On the flip side....I so enjoyed this performance of one of MY favorite songs...."Love You I Do" by Akiba Burrell-Hammer.

But honestly family!!! What was up with her look? What was up with that Miriam Makeba Pata-Pata hair??? I wasn't feeling THAT HAIR AT ALL!!! And WHAT IN THE HECK WAS SHE WEARING??? That little shrug top didn't work for Jennifer Hudson at the Oscars either! And she reminded me of Fantasia in her "Hood Boy" video from the waist down.

The girl has some serious chops but she's in desperate need of a stylist. In an industry where image outweighs talent..she needs to learn how to be comfortable in her own skin so she can work the hell out of a stage.

Miss Akiba...You NEED The Runway Diva in your life.....Call me!!!

But I think she's gonna be around for a minute if she keeps singing well. IS a singing contest right?

"Being comfortable in your own skin and content with your own company is a magical gift to yourself and everyone in your life."

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